20 July 2016

Today's Video (brought to you by the letter G)

Shoelaces and broken iPods for all who played Tuesday's game. The answer: soaked morning glory seeds, just starting to sprout.

Here's a clip from yesterday's adventure at Ace Hardware. As for today, I'm gonna hit dish and then go get my photographer's whitebox stuff, because yesterday I was distracted by what's in the video.

And that's all I have to say about that.


  1. Geraniums grow really well without much effort, so that is a bonus!

  2. I like geraniums because they are so easy to grow and come in such gorgeous colours

  3. I used to help my friend's mom switch out flower beds twice a year...planted Many on these, dear Lady Whisk... You got a great price on them as well..

  4. well, i am missing something here...

  5. good buy! morning glory seeds, who knew

  6. Can't beat that price. Nice they remind you of your grandmother.

  7. Nice flowers and nice video. Thanks and too bad the video didn't have subtitles, y'all :) Arf, I'm kidding...

    Pawsitive wishes,


  8. Yay you. And Geraniums grow really, really well from cuttings.

  9. The fact they were one of your grandmother's favourites makes them priceless.

    I bet they look lovely after their comeback.

    Happy gardening, JP :)

  10. Plants look at me and scream in terror!

  11. Boogerbutts: Thanks guys for watching my short clip. Hope you all have a yummy weekend.

  12. Love the video, Ivy! Nice hearing your voice, too! :)

  13. I like hearing your voice too :o) Sounds like a great score at Ace!

    Never woulda guessed morning glory seeds!

  14. Can't see video.
    When are you eating Morning Glory seeds ?
    I never soaked mine and I remember mine as being round ?
    I will try back later for the video.

    cheers, parsnip and thehamish

    1. Some folks cannot view it. I can on the pc but not on my tablet. I dunno why?

      Not eating them :-) sprouting them to give them a head start. Not sure about the round, maybe different species or varieties? Not sure the proper word.

      Thanks for stopping by :-)

  15. Looks like you got a great deal on the flowers. Geranium are one of my favorite flowers! My mom has grown these flowers for as long as I can remember, I guess that is why they are one of my favorites.

  16. What a bargain! Geraniums are the best. They flower all season long! Love them.

  17. I came back this morning to view your video on the PC. These geraniums looks good, some pruning, some sun and they will be flowering for months.
    Love hearing your enthusiasm too.
