22 April 2016

Friday Question: What Are These?

Did you ever have one of those days where the iPod is playing every single song that you love? That's the kind of day I'm having.  Now let's get to Friday's Question.  Winners receive a pair of sweaty ear buds and three pieces of used tape.

What are these?


  1. Some kind of nut, though the type escapes me at present.

  2. puffed wheat cereal! and dates? lol on those prizes!

  3. The second photo is puffed wheat! I ate a river of it when I was a kid. It was the cheapest breakfast cereal available, apart from puffed rice.

  4. Top photo: Dates (or obese cockroaches).
    Bottom photo: Some kind of cereal, kinda looks like rice crispies, but not sure.

  5. dates and puffed wheat? No, I didn't copy my answers from Christine! :)

  6. The first looks like either coffee beans or dates and the second is puffed rice?

  7. I have no idea what the second one is but the first one looks very much like dates. I have a container full in my kitchen and eat a few every day!

  8. Don't tell me these are worms :-(

  9. Dates and puffed wheat? No, I didn't copy my answers from Yolanda who didn't copy her answers from Christine! :)

  10. Dates and puffed wheat and no, i didn't copy my answers from RICHARD....:) :) :)
    oh, and if we win, RICHARD can have the prizes....

    1. Ivy is so generous with the prize that we should all share... however, I don't think Christine should get any cause obviously she copied on us LOL

    2. You all win, just for showing up. Sweaty ear buds and used tape for everyone. Enjoy.

      The first photo was BlackJaponica rice from Lundberg. I don't know much about it as I just started using it.

      The second, puffed cereal. Kamut. Don't know much about that one either, other than it's not my top pick and I won't be buying it again.

      Thanks for playing and boogie boogie.

  11. Yes, I love it when my ipod does that!!! Looks like puffed wheat to me.

  12. Toasted sunflower seeds and puffed wheat?

  13. I don't know what the first one is, but the second photo does look like puffed wheat.

  14. The bottom one looks like puffed wheat, but I am not sure what it is. I love it when all the right music is playing.

  15. Dates and puffed wheat.
    Yes, Ipod music can be the best.

    1. and I made the comment before looking at the others.

  16. Boogerbutts: Thanks for playing guys, I posted the answer mid-way through the comments, right after Richard and BJ.

  17. Well I'm late to your post ...
    Even though I know the answer, don't think I would have found the correct ones!
    Well I may have said dates!
    Anyway it is now the Wednesday evening of the following week - where does time go EEK!

    Hope all is well

    All the best Jan
