26 February 2016

Not Enough to Choke a Bumble

Check it out, two posts in one month. Boy, I'm on a roll. I was gonna head out to the market but it's still snowing. Not enough snow to choke a Bumble, but enough to keep me indoors. Onto the quiz ...

Whose kitchen, is this?

Bonus points if you know what I don't own from this photo but would LOVE to have in my own kitchen.

Winners receive an unlimited supply of snowballs. Unless you'd rather have waffles. Thanks for stopping by and I'll be around your blogs this weekend to see what adventures you've all been up to.

Cheers and boogie boogie.


  1. I can't quite figure out which kitchen this is (I'll have to think about it more) but I bet you'd LOVE to have that vintage bread box :)

  2. The antiquated phone perhaps? Though you just might have that too.

  3. I don't know what show, but I choose BREAD box!

    I want waffles. :)

  4. Have no idea, everyone is saying bread box so I will say pot rack

    cheers, parsnip

  5. I think that kitchen belongs to the Golden Girls. Waffles, please!

  6. I was think Laverne or Shirley...?

  7. I think it's the kitchen from The Nanny! And I'm pretty sure you have that bread box :-)

  8. I have no idea who that is...but it looks straight out of the 70's or early 80's. Good to see ya, Ivy! I hope you're doing great!!

  9. You honestly have me completely stumped on this one.

    Wow, you guys had snow this weekend? We've got temps over 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

  10. So glad you're on a roll ...
    Not sure whose kitchen that is, but I think you have that bread box, and I love the colour of it.

    Hope your weekend has been good come wind, snow or anything else ...

    All the best Jan

  11. Boogerbutts: The answer is in the next post. Snowballs and waffles to all who played :-)
