09 November 2015

Today, I Swung

I've been sick for awhile. Lots of internal issues. It's not a fun road to be on and sometimes I feel like I can swing as hard as I can swing, and it will still mean nothing. But thankfully, I don't think that way each day.

Instead, I work at this. I learn, learn and learn as much as I can and every food or herbal that enters my body, must provide healing properties.

My time, energy and efforts are paying off and I feel like dancing. Because today, I swung and didn't miss.


  1. Awesome! Glad that you are feeling better.

  2. Yay! And that's always been one of my fave upbeat, happy songs!

  3. Such a cute, upbeat song. Hope you're feeling much better!

  4. Glad it's a good day! Just keep eliminating that which messes with your swing.

  5. Whoo hoo! I'd dance with you, but I'm afraid to do that right now! Hahahaha! :)

  6. Good to hear,Ivy...♥️
    Linda :o)

  7. So very happy for you!!!!
    Dancing with you!
    Celebrate your determination! You've won!

  8. That's a great attitude and I love that song.

  9. Loved the song! Loved your message! Got remember that what food you put in your body really counts! Feel better!

  10. Loved that song and glad you are swinging!

  11. So glad it was a good day and that you feel good.

  12. Nice Ivy!! Im happy you feeling better !!

  13. Glad to hear you are feeling better, and I hope and pray you continue on the road to recovery. I have just a mild cold today, and even that is annoying!

  14. Delighted to hear you are swinging successfully. Swing away dear Ivy.

  15. I am so happy to hear that you are on the mend, dear Ivy. Your sketches always make me smile, thank you! :)

  16. Dear Ivy, I don't know much about you and I have just recently started following your "happy" blog. You really do have a happy place here my dear and through your writing I see you are a good and sensitive person. Never stop swinging, further higher, and stronger than before. Have a wonderful week my new friend :-)

  17. Yay you! And what a perfect song for this. I love it. Haven't heard it for awhile.

  18. I've been away again, glad to see you're well but I'm sorry I didn't know you were sick!! - hang in there

  19. Thank you, guys. I enjoyed reading your comments and thank you all for the good wishes.

  20. Hi Ivy
    Just catching up with my blog readings - and was so pleased to read this.

    Take Care my fairly new blogging friend, I always love visiting your blog.

    Sending my good wishes

    All the best Jan
