23 November 2015

Monster vs Couch

I had a minor health setback last week, but things are sorted and today I kicked ass. Laundry done, cauldron of organic chicken stock simmering but wait, that's not all. I also made a killer spicy soup for lunch. Only I didn't take pictures. Maybe next time, as I love chucking stuff in a sauce pot and making a single serving meal.

It might have taken me a week to recover from the latest setback and believe me you, I was NOT happy about tumbling right after a great leap forward, but by golly Miss Molly, I'm back on track.

Feels good.

Now, I best kick off and get back to The Lemon Tart Room. I deep cleaned it today and now I'm trying to move the couch into winter-mode, only the couch and Monster (name of treadmill), are fighting for space.

Hard to say who will win.


  1. Glad you are recovered and moving furniture.

  2. We're getting rid of our 'monster' and getting a bike instead. Then I can read for hours and not feel like I'm just sitting around.

  3. Goodness, do not over do !
    Feel better !

  4. Shelia:Thanks. What's cooking at your house these days? Getting the last of the garden ready for winter? Or are you guys done with that now?

    Susan: I love Monster, I couldn't get rid of him for a bike, but I love the idea that you'll get to read.

    Enjoy :-)

    William: It really is. Any snow your way yet?

    Parsnip: I've been long done now. Stuck to my list and didn't overdue :-) But thankfully, I wasn't sick with the flu or a cold so it wasn't like I had to stay in bed the entire time.

  5. Well that is a sucky suckfest, glad you're doing better though.

  6. Sorry you had such a bad time of it but glad you are OK now. Don't try and do too much now though.

  7. Southpaw: Thanks.

    Jo: All part of the healing journey that I've been on for the last almost, year now. But yes, no overdoing. I've long finished and am making tea.

    How goes you today?

  8. so glad you are recovered Ivy!

  9. Christine: Someday, I hope to be. But for now, I'll take back on the healing track. Thanks.

  10. I am glad you are feeling better. xo

  11. HAHAHA! I love your imagination with your furniture/appliances, etc. Sounds like a great day. I'm glad to see you are feeling better this week. Hopefully the WHOLE week. I have a fight with the vacuum this morning. It wouldn't start. And it made me nuts because I needed to get started on the house, especially because potential buyers are coming tomorrow. Anyhow, my honey bunny was in a meeting, so I sent him a (not so) discreet message that more or less said that as soon as he can he should check the vacuum because a chair, a cat...or a person was going to go flying out the window :) He fixed it.

    1. Oh my gosh, that is funny stuff. Glad he got it fixed for you. Martha vs Vacuum. Dun, dun, dun.

      Potential buyers sound wonderful, here's hoping they bite.

  12. I am happy you are feeling better, Ivy, and it sounds like you had a great day! I love your sketches! I know I keep saying this but I just can't help myself. Every time I see a new one, which is often, and I love seeing them, I have to say how much I love your talent and that I do notice and appreciate them. :)

    1. Thanks for the super kind words, Linda. That's really nice of you to say. Especially since I can't even draw hair.

  13. Yayness, glad you are feeling better and kickin' butts. Also, Lemon Tart room sounds delicious!

  14. Glad you're feeling better! Being sick really sucks especially if you're the one that has to do everything around the house. Don't work yourself to hard though!

    1. I wasn't sick with a cold or flu, fever or anything like that. This is a chronic health issue.

      Thankfully, I have a WONDERFUL Honey Bunny who can make killer peanut butter toast and does dishes, laundry and whatever else that we need to do.

  15. Replies
    1. Thanks for the cheers, Debra. You know what I did though, I pulled something and now it hurts to laugh. Ack!

  16. Very glad you are feeling better, and getting a lot done! Never fun to have health problems.

    1. Health problems, are no fun. No fun at all.

      Thanks for stopping by and boogie boogie.

  17. It's only Wednesday night ... week has been a busy one, so only just stopping by to catch up on reading.

    Sorry to hear you've not been too good but glad to hear your boogie boogie is back!

    Take Care

    All the best Jan

  18. Glad you are back on track. Set backs suck balls. Keep on trucking!
