18 October 2015

Big Fat Ones

At first it looked like we were just gonna get a mix of stuff but soon enough, I stepped outside and saw this. Big fat snowflakes all over the place. So great.

In other news, we just got home (after midnight), from Barnes and Wegmans. I bought more seeds, green goodies and Kosher dill pickles from the organic cold fridge. Next year, I'm gonna make them at home because 3.50 per jar is too high. Lucky for me, I'll soon learn to ferment lots of things because for Halloween this year, Tim got me a book about fermenting. Can't wait to play.

And that my Boogerbutts, wraps up this post. Nearly time to get into my jams and hit the slab.


  1. Hi Ivy, we did get some snow here in Quebec but further north, I think, as I didn't see any here...yet. It is coming, though. I love your image and I do love the snow. :)

  2. Why no pics of pups in the snow :-)


  3. No snow here yet and I hope for none either!

  4. They talked about snow coming here but nothing yet. There was a heavy frost the other night though.

  5. Love your snow scene, good you are ready for it, psychologically I am not. Sigh.

  6. Dang it, now I want some pickles.

  7. SNOW! You've hit the early bird jackpot. We've had snow in the Rockies already but none yet in Edmonton or Calgary.

  8. No snow here! But.....nipply!
    Have a great day, Ivy!
    Linda :o)

  9. I usually get pickles in a big jar, I always thought the little ones are too high

  10. We had snow in the night, and some light snow falling as I got in a few minutes ago.

  11. ... and in the UK it has been cloudy, dry and about 14C .
    Keep as warm as you can!

    All the best Jan

    1. We've had the heat running for a few weeks, I think. Do you guys have your running?

    2. ... only just read your reply, We have had our heating on ... some mornings it can be quite chilly.

      Apparently Scotland may have snow next week. We will have to see what the weather brings!

      All the best Jan

  12. We actually saw a few flakes here! I'm glad it was just a flew!

  13. We've had a few flakes come down but they didn't stick around. But damn is it cold out! I tried to do a little garden cleanup today and I lasted about 20 minutes. Not that it spared me from chores. There were loads of them waiting for me indoors. Just a few more days and we'll be done with this reno nonsense!

    1. There's always some kind of chore lurking about. Monday will be loads day for me. Today, we moved the writing desk back in the bedroom and finished off the stockpile closet. We got so much done. Feels great. And look at you, just a few more days and you're DONE. Hot dog.

  14. Snow...??? OMGosh...it was 79 here today...windy and uncomfortable to be outside but ....no snow.
    Getting cooler every day, tho...moved plants to the greenhouse this weekend.....brrrrr

    1. 79? It was 32F here last night when it was snowing. Not sure what it is now. But wow, 79 sounds pretty fun, too.

      PS: Loved all your red.

  15. Snow ? already ?
    I make quick Japanese pickles all the time.
    They even have recipies for east pickles on the internet.
    Make them they are so good.
    I am pickling some cherries next. Just quick ones no water bath.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Very cool, Parsnip. I'm excited to learn how to properly ferment foods to help aid my insides.

      Yum, on the cherries.

      PS: Fat snow flakes long gone.

  16. *jealous* We will likely skip snow this year, but maybe if we hit the trails and get high enough we'll find some! Hope you are enjoying it with some hot cuppa :)

    1. It's long gone now, but it was pretty. I'll share pictures with you once we start to really dig into winter.

  17. PS I love that you exchange Halloween gifts! Rock on! Or should I say... pickle on?

    1. It's a lot of fun to exchange. Do you guys exchange for any sort of silly holidays?

  18. Ooh but it seems too early to snow.... I have to get used to this "winter is coming" stuff.

    1. Not a snowflake anywhere today. Just lots of sunshine. Do you like winter?
