24 August 2015

Nookie (a friend emailed this to me)


  1. Well, that started my morning with a good laugh -- thanks! I'll never listen to an ice cream truck in quite the same way again.

  2. LOL. Ice cream really isn't that good for you. Further proof.

  3. Ha, ha, ha, ha - can't wait to share with the hubby!

  4. This was great, woo hoo, ha ha!!! I had to read it to my hubby!
    So glad you stopped by, as your blog disappeared from my blogger list again as some others have done, adding it back once again and hope it stays! Thanks for the laugh, very funny!

  5. oh my goodness, how hilarious. hahahaha. I'm laughing like crazy. tee hee. Maybe the ice cream truck was playing a fast salsa. haha. Thanks for the laugh. Have a great week.

  6. BAHAHAHAHA! The ending really surprised me :) Oh my gosh...too darn funny!

  7. thanks for a Great Laugh, dear Lady "Whisk"...
    the "ice cream truck" made for a Great "punch-line"...
    a great day to you and yours..
