31 July 2015


I got my chores done and moved all the furniture to different areas of The Lemon Tart Room. Tonight, it's leftovers and a trip to Barnes to kick off the fun. Which, 16 years ago, we had our first date on this very weekend.

And that folks, wraps up 38 posts for the month. I had 37 but would rather end on two 4's, or as others may call it, 8.

Exciting post? Not so much, but it got rid of the 7, so I'm good to go. Or, I will be, once I pop in the shower and get myself ready for my date. He'll be here in about 30 minutes. And I haven't a thing to wear.


  1. I think I had one post this month. Pathetic.

  2. Maybe Tim will want to walk to Barnes... because he is a little low in the count hahaha

    1. Man, one day and you are already calling me out. I'm going to put my vivo fit on the dog and get the laser pointer out. That should catch me up.

    2. BAHAHAHA! I love the dog/laser pointer idea!

  3. "Which, 16 years ago, we had our first date on this very weekend."

    Have an especially lovely weekend.

    All the best Jan

  4. Enjoy your date! I never have anything to wear. :)

  5. I want you to know that I thought about this comment for 5 minutes before I decided to post it anyway.

    "And I haven't a thing to wear."
    Isn't that the outfit Tim likes best?

    1. That's exactly what I told her.

    2. Lloyd: I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to post it, Lloyd. It's all in good fun here. Plus, I put that last sentence in there just for Tim.

      Frankenberry: Smooch.

  6. I bet you had lots of fun. And did you kiss your date goodnight? :)

  7. You post more than once a day? No wonder I've missed some! I can barely keep up with bloggers who post three times a week.

    Sometimes, I can't even post once a week....

    1. Yes, but I enjoy blogging and it comes easy to me. Plus, there is ALWAYS plenty to write about. That's the fun of being a writer.

  8. Love how you return to your first date spot, my hubs and I go to a rose garden in Portland where we first kissed whenever we are in town and this year we're going back to the park where we first met in person <3 Happy Sweet 16!

    1. Thanks HBF. I see you joined my blog. I will be over tomorrow to check you out, as I cannot join from this device.

      Very cool on the first kiss.

      Though my bad, I didn't mean to say we went to our first date spot, just that it was our first date weekend.

  9. I missed some of your same day post. I got the Friday question though.
    Happy first date weekend !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Cool beans. Sometimes, I miss posts when they are published, too. But I just catch them later in the feed. I'm a clump blog reader, at times.

      Thanks for stopping by.
