08 July 2015

Answer: Organic Wild Jungle Peanuts (raw)

If you answered correctly, then you get an A on your paper and a star on your forehead. If you answered anything else, please reach into to our bag of useless prizes, where you'll find peanut shells, earwax and cookie crumbs.

Now onto the nuts ...

Just like Richard said, I did toss the jungle nuts into the Breville. And dig this, the peanut butter took 2 minutes and 24 seconds. In my old machine, it took over and hour.

How 'bout that?

Thanks for playing and have an oogie boogie day.

PS: The picture from yesterday was how the peanuts look raw. I love the purple stripe and the taste, killer good stuff. Even better, zero allergic reaction.


  1. A bit weird really, I love peanuts but can't stand the idea of peanut butter????

  2. Those nuts were raw? I would have bet my bottom dollar they were roasted. Dang, now I get ear wax in my pocket. Thanks!

  3. They seem smaller than regular peanuts, your butter looks wonderful.

  4. Did you have to go into the jungle to get those peanuts?

    1. I know a guy who knows a guy.

    2. Oh my God this make me laugh... the guy you knew Ivy was he in hanging in the jungle? :-)

  5. Different from the peanuts we buy in shells aren't they. Don't look a bit alike. Not much into peanut butter, hubby likes it though.

    1. I've meet a few people that aren't into peanut butter. I am picky about mine.

      How are the asparagus going? I froze the last of mine and the pups each get one before bed.

  6. Yum....that looks delish...I bet it's amazing!

  7. Got to get a Breville! Looks yummy!

    1. Mine is a BFP800XL with Inspector Gadget box. 1200 watt motor here, 2000 watt motor in other areas of the world. Either way, great machine.

  8. The raw peanuts were cool looking.

  9. I missed yesterday. I love any kind of peanut butter. On homemade bread right?
    Susan Says

  10. Ah, peanut butter... one of life's pleasures!

  11. Organic wild jungle peanuts, where do they come from ?
    What jungle, what country how far do they have to travel ?
    Are American peanuts bad ? Don't they grow here in the south ?

    cheers, parsnip

    1. The heirloom organic wild jungle peanuts that I bought came from Ecuador. The other organic peanuts I bought (not shown in yesterday's post), came from the US.

      As for better, worse, bad or good? That's up to you to decide for yourself based on your needs and preferences.

  12. I love peanut butter, but I've never tried the organic kind.

  13. I love butter ... but without the peanuts!
    However, there are many who love butter and peanut butter ... and organic is even better.

    All the best Jan

  14. Ah thanks to link to my blog Ivy... unlike the Jungle peanut butter, you are so sweet LOL

    I'm back now, so kid, you better watch out, I know you have been naughty and having pancake in the morning hahahaha

  15. Wow, homemade peanut butter! Super healthy, too. Doesn't get any better than that. I bet it is delicious!

    1. Yes, I love it. Have you tried to make it at home? Killer good, I say. Killer good.
