19 May 2015

Fun Fact #1334


  1. A well-trained pitbull is an amazing pet to have. *cuddles*

  2. They've only been trained to be mean.

  3. Wish I'd had a nanny dog. Lovely!

  4. It's all about how they are raised. We would hope so. I don't know if I would want such a big pit bull as in the picture with a child so wee. I definitely would be afraid. None the less, it is about how they are raised.:)

  5. I have a few friends who have or have had pitt bulls and love them.
    Almost adopted a beautiful silver one but thehamish does not like big dogs.
    I would rather have a Pit Bull than a horrid nasty chihuahua. They bite and are quite un-trainable. They are breed as a watch dog. Awful and I like most dogs.
    Our shelter is over crowded with both.
    The illegals have them for protection and a warning system against the police and rival drug cartels. It is very sad.

    cheers, parsnip

  6. And now they have such a bad reputation. Sad.

  7. Any problem with pit bulls can be laid at the door of the human owners. I have known several pit bulls which were as soft as butter. It was the same with German Shepherds once upon a time. I owned three at once and they too were soft as butter. All in the handling and training.

  8. the ones who need real nannys are the constant bad owners of Pitt Bulls

  9. When they go bad, it's not the fault of the dog- it's the owner.

    English bulldogs once had the same reputation.

  10. I agree with Joe. My sister has a pit bull and she's a sweet heart. I also used to work at a vet and almost every pit bull we saw was nice. And as an interesting fact the worst dog bite the vet ever got was from a chocolate lab.

  11. If only humans would let them follow their natures instead of making them into something they weren't meant to be.

  12. Boogerbutts: Thanks to all who stopped by today. Hope you guys are having a groovy week, and eating lots of yummy things.

  13. I love these dogs, and it is sad they get such a bad rap...it is the humans who make them mean, sadly.

  14. I love dogs. It is nice to hear that beautiful name for the dogs...
