29 April 2015

Clean Sheet Day

Just whipped up a batch of Apple Cinnamon & Flax Jacks for Tim, and now I'm about to kick him out the door, wash the bedding and do chores.

Maybe blast music and do a little boogie. After that, a movie or a nap. Maybe I'll go hog wild and do BOTH. Or, maybe I won't need the nap. Too early to tell.

And that my Boogerbutts, concludes another broadcast day. Exciting stuff, here at the Manor.

PS: Clean Sheet Day, is one of my favorite days.


  1. My clean sheet and towel day is Tuesday. Ahhhhh, what a feeling. Enjoy!

  2. I always sleep better on clean sheet day.

  3. There's nothing like clean sheet day!

  4. Ditto the love for clean sheet day!

  5. Do you really need to kick Tim out the door? My wife just has to mention that it's time to clean the house that I suddenly remember chores waiting for me outside!

    I luv napping with a movie playing in the background.

    1. Do you ever dream that your in the movie?

    2. Only if it's a XXX movie hahahahahahahaha I don't even watch those!

  6. My hubby naps with the golf in the background.

  7. Clean Sheet Day is awesome - like socks straight out of the dryer!

  8. I'm going to hang my sheets in the sun and then put them back on. I love sunny sheets.

  9. If it is clean sheet day you most definitely need to have a nap.

  10. Cinnamon and flax jacks sound good - and healthy!

  11. Today is my Clean Sheet Day, too!

  12. Sounds like a great day, all of it. Ordinary is good.
    Do you always wear your crown on clean sheet day?

  13. LOL! I'm all for the boogie but clean sheet day isn't a favorite. I like clean sheets it's the making of the monster we sleep in that's not a favorite. It's an extra large King. With my new Shark lift away I have a nifty motorized hand brush that allows me to vac the mattress and pillows so I get all the nasty dander up and then coral hubs into helping put on the clean sheets. I have to admit, it's very cool to crawl into a clean bed. :-)

    Sia McKye Over Coffee

    1. That sounds like a super duper set-up. Cool beans.

  14. Aww I love clean sheets!
    Today I made it Ivy!
    I sleep better!:)
    Love your header!!

  15. I love clean sheets too, Ivy! :)

  16. Wash Day is OK when it's all been done LOL

    Seriously you can't beat hanging the sheets out to dry if you've got some sunshine and a little breeze ...

    When it's done reward yourself with a nice cup of tea.

    All the best Jan

  17. Naps are the best. Especially on clean sheets!
