So I'm looking through old photos, tossing stuff I don't need, you know the drill. That's when I came across this old photo, from when we had the office in the other room. Anyway, one morning when Tim woke, this is what he found.
Hey Stacy - congrats on 700 posts. Go you. As for making it up to Frankenberry ... no, we pull shit on each other all the time. And believe me you, he's long gotten me back for this prank.
One can never un-see something you know!
Hahahahaha. So funny, and you're right, one can never un-see such things.
DeleteI agree with Ian! And the last thing any dude wants to see is another naked dude.
ReplyDeleteHahaha, that's what made it so funny. That and the whole double screen shot. Twice the fun.
DeleteOh, my...I can see why he's not happy....
ReplyDeleteTo hear him grumble, is the best.
DeleteBut, it IS Burt, and he would tell Tim this is O.K.
ReplyDeleteThat is a very funny comment. Burt will tell Tim everything is Okay. Too funny.
DeleteThanks for the laugh. :)
ReplyDeleteDid you make it up to him?
Hey Stacy - congrats on 700 posts. Go you. As for making it up to Frankenberry ... no, we pull shit on each other all the time. And believe me you, he's long gotten me back for this prank.
DeleteGood stuff.
ReplyDeleteGood stuff, I know. Fun, too.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for that great post you did. Haven't checked it out yet but it's on my to-do list. Those adverts are super annoying.
Delete"Shock me shock me shock me with that deviant behaviour…" ~ Gina from Empire Records
ReplyDeleteShocked, indeed.
DeleteVery cool guitar pick maker you got Reg.
He'll get you back!
ReplyDeleteHe already has, many times over. We like to pull pranks on each other. All the more fun.
Deletecould be worse
DeleteHahahaha! That's the kinda thing I would do too, Ivy :)
ReplyDeleteAnd anyway, I think Tim looks rather fetching ... in a slutty kinda way :))
DeleteBurt. I mean, Burt. Crikey ...
DeleteWhat's wrong with Burt? He was the hottest thing on celluloid in his day!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I'm eating the last of Halloween Oreos!
The last of the Halloween Oreos .. cool beans. How long did one package last you? They don't last long here. Maybe 24 hours.
DeleteOh my :)
ReplyDeleteAll in good fun.
DeleteWhat? Tim's not a fan of Burt Reynolds?
At least I posted it on my blog, not his. Cool map you drew. Hope to see you draw more.
Deleteoh well I think I understand Tim's surprise:))