12 October 2014

Sunday Bake: It's THAT Good

So far, it's been a killer weekend.  Yesterday we drove around the country side, stopping in all the little country shoppes that were open.  Got some great little goodies, pictures to come.

Meanwhile, it's Game Day here and well, things aren't lookin' good.  Thankfully though, we've got more stuffing on the way, though I'm not sure what I'm making on the side of it ...

... Maybe more stuffing.  It's THAT good.


  1. They didn't play like they even cared. So disappointing to watch...

    1. Tim said they didn't play like a team, either. Just one big fat disconnect.

  2. I'm assuming it's a football game that's the subject of "why, oh why did you make me a fan?" unhappiness?

    1. Very funny comment, William. And yeppers, Steelers sucked it up, all over the place. Why oh why?

  3. Replies
    1. Ask Ian but be prepared to duck, because it was a bad game.

  4. You need something to go with stuffing? Who knew?

    And yeah, Steelers sucked BIG TIME! Disappointing weekend for sure. Maybe I'll get lucky and my Rams will win tomorrow. Yeah, I'm laughing! :)

    1. Tim doesn't. He just eats it from the fridge. I tell ya, this stuffing is so good, that last week I built a Thanksgiving meal around it.

      I know, horrible game. I didn't listen because I was outside all day with the pups, but Tim did and he was not a happy camper.

      Good luck with your Rams.

  5. is that some kind of special baking pan in the photo?

    1. Hey Dez, it's stoneware and wow, does it produce an even bake. Absolute delight to use.

  6. Replies
    1. Me too. Although I never did until I started making my own. And then before that I wouldn't eat it because I didn't eat meat. And I never made veghead stuffing, back then.

      Happy Gobble Gobbles.

  7. It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Stopping in at little shops is always fun. You discover very unique and lovely items. How you doing, Wonder Woman? I'm trying to catch up on favourite blogs!

    1. I am good, but not getting anything done today, Tuesday. Not a stitch. Nope. Nothing.

      How went your day?
