21 June 2014

Apple Crumble Cake is in THE OVEN ....

Now I wait.  Though I should be doing cleanup but I needed to sit down for a minute anyway, so I might as well write a quick post.  Only five minutes in the oven and already the kitchen smells like cinnamon and apples.

No idea if this bake will work or not.  I've never done this before but either way, I figure I'll learn something.

Meanwhile, check out my interactive True or False (one post back).  For me, it was true.

So what's in your oven?  Anyone else baking on this fine Saturday afternoon?  For us it's an Apple Crumble Cake and after that, wholemeal rolls to go with tonight's burgers on the grill.  I love that grill.  So much flippin' fun.

PS: Tim discovered Amazon Prime now has music, so it's been fun listening as I work in the lab.  That's all from me, you Boogersbutts have a great weekend and boogie boogie.

PS:  It's 4:04 and I didn't even plan it.  I rule.


  1. Hopefully the baking comes out just right!

    1. It wasn't bad but it wasn't apple enough. Though, it did turn into a nice cinnamon coffee cake, type thing. Back to the drawing board.

      How was your weekend?

  2. I have an experiment in the oven right now too. Home made chicken strips foe The Square Ones. Son thought I should try to use thigh meat instead of breast meat.
    Well The Boys will love them but I will not be using dark meat again. To fatty and the pieces are smaller and taking much longer to cook.
    I rarely use my oven during our hot summer days
    (only 102 right now on its way to 104) but the oven is set on 200 so I guess it is ok.

    Hope your experiment come out better than mine. But I know The Boys will not complain, chkikin" is always gud to The Square Ones.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. How did your experiment come out? My girls love chicken treats too. I make a meat paste and man, they go nuts. Upcoming post about it soon.

      Do you ever make biscuits for the pups? I love to do that in different shapes. Okay, the shapes are for me, but the treat for them.

      102? Wow. Here today, I've been cold most of the day, though it's not really cold outside.

    2. Daughter used to bake for them. Her cookies where so good that even the neighbor's dog (who was wonderfully trained and never jumped) knocked the dish of Christmas dog cookies from her hands and enjoyed an early Christmas treat.
      I only cook for them mostly chicken and turkey.
      They love the dark meat jerky but I will stick to white meat.

    3. Did you ever make chicken meatballs for the dogs and family. Super easy. I use white meat for it, when white meat goes on super sale, or when I break down an entire bird (also on sale).

      Anyway, it's great to read that you make your dogs homemade stuff. That's how we roll here. It's great fun.

  3. Yum. Sounds like a delicious night at your house!

  4. Cinnamon and apples. Can't get much better than that. Delicious.

    1. It wasn't apple enough, but still good. More of a spiced coffee cake. How are you guys doing? Been thinkin' about you losing your little buddy.

    2. So so. Spend much of the day sniveling to be honest. I really would have liked those boxes of tissues. Would have come in handy.

      Thanks for asking.

    3. I'm sorry. I know this time is majorly sucking for you guys, right now.
