21 March 2014

Friday Question: Grain Mill

Do any of you Boogerbutts own a grain mill?  This past week my food processor stopped grinding flax seed and yesterday, it barked at me for wanting rice flour.  So today, I'm looking for a grain mill that will fit both our budget and our small kitchen.

So far, I've found The Country Living Grain Mill which is wonderful and has a lifetime warranty but priced at 400 bucks.  The Victorio Delux rings in at about $84, and makes a finer grain, but does a overall slower grind.  There's also the Wondermill, which I'm still learning about.

So today, I'm in the market for a grain mill that will fit both our budget and our small kitchen.  If you have one, I'd love to hear about what you like and/or dislike about your mill.

Thanks and boogie boogie.


  1. I got nothing... :( Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Mel. Loved the bake you did the other day. So fun. And yummy. I could easily eat that entire tray.

    2. So easily! I wanted to give a couple to my massage therapist today and had to sneak them out of the house!

    3. Hahahaha, that is fantastic. Had to sneak them out. Love that. What will you do when they come looking for dessert?

  2. I use blender or food processor too, and I also have a small hand mill which is probably a hundred years old and is made of brass :) I sometimes also use coffee grinder for sesame, since I still have an old one - when I was younger we didn't have ground coffee in shops, so each house had to grind their own :) It's very very small, maybe two or three table spoons of amount.

    1. That is very cool. I love old stuff like that, it's just so great. My Mamam had an old grinder she used for dio. I still remember that thing, great stuff.

      Coffee grinder for sesame is a good idea.

    2. oh, I have a dio grinder too :) The one looking like the machine for mincing meat with the handle that you have to move by hand :) It's older than me. And your nagymama probably had the same brass grinder like me, since we all have the oriental Turkish ones.

    3. I recently got a box of Mamam's stuff, but the grinder is missing. Though I am told it's headed my way soon, but I have my doubts.

      Love all that old stuff. So great.

  3. I'm all for the $84 grinder thing....because it's $84 dollars.

    1. That's where I was headed too, until I found out it's not built to grind oily seeds, like flax.

  4. LOL. Tim is funny. But I guess I agree with him. Slower is $300 better.

  5. We use a coffee grinder but it jams up and would not recommend it.

  6. I've never heard of a grain mill before, so...

    1. Thanks for stopping by today, William. Hope you have a groovy weekend.

  7. I don't even know what one is

    1. Just a kitchen toy to grind all kinds of fun flours to later bake with.

  8. I've got one, and you can get it in the US as well for the measly sum of $12.50 here's a link
    or you can visit my blog for more info

    1. You are so funny. Right now, I'd take one of those and stick him in my yard. Makes all kinds of flours.

  9. You know me, whisk; I am not much of a cook. But tell me, why do you grind your own? What's the benefit? Curious.

    1. It's funny that you ask me that because I've been grinding nuts and seeds at home for so long now, I can't think of why I would buy it already processed.

      If I grind the almonds and flax into flour at home, both are fresher, cheaper and have more nutrients. And oh boy, homemade almond flour/meal in a bake is heaven.

      The machines I've been using are dying or dead and I've been through a few. It's time upgrade.

      Thanks for the question. Because I never thought and worked any other way, as in home ground flours have always been a part of my baking.

      Cheers and boogie boogie.

  10. I never heard of one either, but I hope you get a good one and have lots of grinding fun! :)

    1. Thanks, Jen. Hope you're feeling better. I'm pooped today.
