12 September 2013

What the Crap

We met family for supper and I tell ya what, portion sizes at some restaurants are too big.  The plates were bigger than my butt.  Who needs all that?  Granted I'm happy that my butt wasn't bigger than the plates, because no one needs that, either.  But still.  What the crap?

Too much food.  Too much.

I got a short stack of pumpkin pancakes, and one sad little egg.  I ate two out of the three pancakes and that was enough.  I used butter and maple that I brought from home, because theirs sucks monkey balls, and mine does not.

Maybe I'm seeing things differently now that I'm watching so much BBC's Supersized vs Superskinny and Britain's Secret Eaters.  When I go out now, I just don't eat everything.  It's too much and my body doesn't need it.  Even when I grocery shop.  We have so much.  Too much.

Meanwhile, here's what I made earlier today.  This is a combination that works for me.  I know, it's greenish brownish uck, colored.  But I swear, it was good.

*Carrots, 2 honkin'ones
  Celery, 1 rib
*Baby Kale, 1 handful
  Grapes, about 10 to 20
*Cukes, 2



  1. Portion sizes are out of control. If you would eat everything they give you when you go out to eat, your butt would definitely be bigger than your plate. Kudos to you...sometimes it's hard to not eat everything.

  2. Go back to the serving sizes in the fifties and you will be shocked how much they have changed. I agree - too much food!

  3. The ingredients sound good but I would have to drink that from a cup that I couldn't see through.

  4. People sometimes split one restaurant meal between 2 people. Enough food for both and you save money!

    1. We do that here too, but it's still mostly piss on a plate with all the sodium, fat and overall yuck.

  5. Portion distortion...

    Control is the answer, but it's harder than it sounds especially for me when I sit down with a pint of gelato. A pint is 3 and 1/2 servings...but I can eat them all in one sitting....

    1. I like that, portion distortion.

      Thanks for sharing your gelato story. That stuff is good. So soft and yummy.

  6. Restaurant portions are crazy! The amount of food on the plate in obscene; it's usually enough to feed an entire family. Who can eat all that? And why would they want to?? It makes me lose my appetite. I try to order smaller dishes, and if that is too big, I don't finish it. Both my husband and I are not big eaters, so we often just share a meal.

    1. And they really don't need to be so flipping big. But like Stacy mentioned below, the prices probably won't go down, even if the prices and portions do.

  7. Restaurants give you so much food because the prices are crazy high! If you got less food, you'd feel ripped off, because frankly, the price wouldn't lower because the portion got smaller. The price difference between cooking one egg and two is pennies in material, but the same in labor. And we're paying for that labor.

    So, yeah. The husband and I will usually split a meal at a restaurant. I say usually, because we don't have the same tastes. He's a hot and spicy guy and I'd rather my food didn't bite back! :)

    1. I agree on them not lowering the prices. Did you ever read on a menu, no sharing meals? I only saw that at one place and for the life of me, I cannot recall where.

      We share at times as well. It's fun and cheaper. And less food. My gosh though, you should have seen these huge plates yesterday. Sad.

  8. I tend mostly to dine alone, so on those occasions, I'll have the plate contents doggy bagged, have it at home the next day.

    1. Somethings taste better leftover or to me anyway. Eggplant dishes being one of them.

  9. my banana smoothie looks like that when I put a bit of moringa powder in it :)

    1. Never had moringa powder. Had to Google it. Google is so handy.

    2. they say it's the healthiest powder ever... can't say I've noticed the results so far :)
