15 August 2013

That's Right - I Said Arse

Headed back to work today.  Otherwise known as, the scene of the crime.  The last two days I've had ZERO back pain.  None.  Zippola.  So we'll see how it goes.

Meanwhile, dig yesterday's snack.  Thought for a change, I'd show you the before picture.  As for after, think pond scum.

Thankfully, only in appearance, as it goes down smooth.

Also dig Jen B's blog.  She's participating in the 28 Day Reboot starting 18th.  I asked Bloggers to join, doing ANYTHING they wanted, and my girl Jen is gonna Walk it Off.

Pretty frickin' cool.  Go you, Jen :-)

As for me, I'm headed into a second round of juicing (with whole meals).  Plus, I'll be getting back to walking as well.  I wasn't strong enough first round.  But I'm ready to kick something flippin' arse now.  That's right.  I said arse.

Thanks UK.  You've change the way I write, and I like it.

That said, you Boogerbutts have a good one.  And with any luck, I won't end these next two days in pain, but instead get to enjoy my Saturday day off with Tim.

Cheers and a great BIG boogie boogie.

See? Doesn't look so bad, right?
Now imagine it all juiced and green-like.
Num, num, num.


  1. Yep, that before picture looks a heck of a lot more appetizing than the after! Haha!

    Good luck on your walking. The weather here has turned cool and dry, which really is perfect for walking. I'd like to think it'll last, but I know better.

  2. Just do all of us a favour, no after after pics please ;-)


    1. Blame Rayolla. He asked to see the sludge and I HAD to do it. But yeah, most everything I drink is green and smells like the lawn.

  3. What happened....it looks like a rabbits dinner!

  4. No pain!
    And I like the before picture much better.

  5. Hope you feel better dear Whisk!

  6. You know you can eat the lovely things on your plate as is. Here's hoping your back behaves itself!

    1. Yes you can, but they don't all fit in the glass quite as easily.

      NO pain at work today.

  7. That actually looks kind of good.


  8. Good on ya Ivy, "ass" has always sounded so lame to me. I hear "I'm going to kick some ass" and I think to myself "why are they kicking donkeys?" But "arse", now that really rolls off the tongue and makes you feel better afterwards.

    I'm glad you've had relief from the back pain too.

    1. I grew up with ass, so I'm use to it, but now with all your bloggers out there, I've taken to saying arse. Fun word.

      Thanks. No pain today at work.

      How goes you?

    2. Good thanks Ivy, it already Friday night here and this is one week I'm glad that's over.

    3. I've had weeks like that as well. Glad you're getting a break. Please say hello to Susan for me.

  9. Now we've got to teach you to say feck and gobshite!

    1. I say frick, but feck is nice too. Gobshite, I never heard before, but I like it.

    2. I've learnt 'gobshite' from Annzie, she is our educator :) but I'm still not sure if it is pronounced as GOB + SHEET or SHEIGHT :)

  10. awww why does UK get the credit? NZ is arse too! hehehe ;)

    I hope TimBob did a good job of your mop chop :)

    1. I'm sorry, UK & NZ - there we go now. Yes, TimBob did a great job. Lopped off a good bit, as I was getting tired of it being so long.

  11. yay for no pain! I'd like that. Hope it stays that way.

  12. I was away from home all day and saw your amazing post just now and it made me smile from ear to ear. Thank you so much for being such a supportive friend. 28 day reboot for the win!

    Also arse is a pretty great word! :)

    1. Thanks for being a supportive friend, back. It's going to be a fun 28 day reboot.

  13. I love the word 'arse'! It's such a cool word, isn't it? I hope you don't get any more back pain. Back pain really sucks.

    1. Really is, yes.

      Yeah, back stuff sucks. I did good on day two though. Just some feet and ankle swells, but a good back for the shift.

  14. No pain is always wonderful. Going back to work, not so much.

  15. somewhere in Alabama they're planting new fields of green beans just to take care of your daily needs :P

    I do love to put water melon in juices, with some honey and orange. It's a very powerful diuretic and kicks all toxins out of your body in seconds....

    1. Headed to the Farmer's Market again this morning. Hoping he has more organic string beans. They are my favorite summer treat. Local. Organic. Delicious.

      That drink sounds refreshing minus the in seconds part.

  16. Hope work goes well. Still like my veggies whole and raw, not juiced. I'm having a mixed berry shake later today.

  17. Think I'd rather eat what's on the plate than have it all mushed up in a drink!

  18. The question is, can you get away with saying arse around the Sisters of Little or No Mercy...

    I hope the back behaves!
