27 February 2013

I Know IT'S Coming for Me

I know it's coming for me.  By this time tomorrow that I will be in more pain.  Today, I was hardly in any.  It was wonderful.  I baked, cleaned, and farted about online.

I had a fantastic two days home.  And Tim surprised me with a half-day.  We Doctor Who'd it, and had lunch, followed by another chocolate chip scone loaf. 

This time I got a picture.  It's not a fancy shot, but it was all I could manage before breaking off the piece on the right.

It was so warm and nummy.

That being said, it's not quite all the way there yet.  I had to cut my baking powder in half, using 3g instead of my usual 6g.  It's all about the wiggle room (see last post).

Here's the shot.  It's made with organic brown flour.  Click image to 800px.  Cheers and wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle.

One can never had too many wiggles.


  1. That loaf would be a good snack! Wait, is it supposed to last longer than that?
    Keep doing what the doctor tells you.

  2. I'd never had a chocolate scone loaf, but I did invent Earl Grey Tea shortbread scones and they were a huge hit amongst my minions :)

  3. That sounds like a tasty scone, so does Dez's.

  4. DEZMOND: Sounds good. I have a ginger peach tea that I want to give a go in mine.

    Southpaw: You baking lately?

  5. Hi Happy Whisk,

    That looks yummy! But whats with the pain and doctors? I hope all is well with your health..

  6. Nina: Howdy there. I have problems with my spine, all the way up to my neck. I've been off work for three to four weeks, I lost count. And I have inflammation. But am doing better little by little. Thanks for the nice comment and welcome to my little corner of the web.

  7. You're a Dr Who fan? After my daughter takes me through Supernatural, she said we're watching that next.

    Hope you enjoyed your scone. It looked yummy!

  8. Stacy: Yeppers, we are. It's a great show.

  9. Sure hope you feel better!!! I know I do now that you posted a picture of that yummy scone.

  10. Just Keepin: Thanks. Feeling great right now. It's tomorrow that scares me. It's like a big monster, waiting to gobble me up.

  11. Bard: They were nummy, but still need a bit more editing. Hope your day flew by and was fun.

  12. Doctor Who is a great way to spend a day off.

  13. OMG. I feel like Pavlov's dog when I look at that picture.
    Hope you continue to feel okay.

  14. Susan: Agreed.

    Sandra: Thanks and thanks.

  15. Oh yeah, baby, that scone loaf looks GOOD!

  16. Ohh.. I can't stop drooling at the chocolate chip scone loaf. Yummy, yummy.. Best go off to bed before I raid the pantry for sweets. I'll be dreaming of chocolate chips.

  17. that looks insanely delicious!! and i hope no pain befalls you. pain sucks. a lot!

  18. Wow, that looks amazingly yummy. Is it hard to make?

  19. Kim: Thanks bunches.

    Mo D: I was dreaming of chocolate last night so I had to make another loaf.

    Melanie: Thanks bunches.

    mshatch: It's very easy.
