22 February 2012

Armed & Dangerous

Tim wants a new printer for his zine, so that means my goal this week is to save enough from couponing, and buy him that printer.

So today, I'm taking on Wally World.

When I get home I'll take it easy for the rest of the afternoon but as of right now ...

I'm armed.  I'm dangerous.  And I'm ready to shop.


  1. You go girl! Show Wally World whose boss!

  2. A printer in a week is some serious couponing. But I hope you do it for the sake of that zine.

  3. omg you are so funny with your coupons! But can you really save enough to buy a printer?

  4. Woo, WW! Go gettum! Sometimes things are cheaper online, however. Hope you find a good buy! :)

  5. Anita: Ha. It does take time but I find it is worth the work.

    Porky: If it's for the sake of the zine, I'll just have to find a way. Couponing and discounts, here I come.

    mshatch: Sure. Why not? Besides, who is going to mess with me, dressed like this?

    Alex: Thanks for the support, Alex.

    Carol: So true, Carol. That's how I got major bucks taken off of my Dyson. Woohoo. Loved your post today.

    Pierce: Thank you. It's quite fun.

    iZombie: That's right. My honey bunny wants a new printer and by gosh, he's gonna get one.

  6. Now that sounds a little dangerous!!!

  7. wow I never knew you could save that much through couponing

  8. Rock on! May your coupling be successful.


  9. Can't wait to hear how you make out against Wally.

  10. Good luck! Couponing for the 'zine printer sounds like a noble quest to me!

  11. So how does that work? You have x amount of dollars for food, spend less than that, and the overage goes to the printer?

    If so, then here's to you getting all your food free (or close to it)!

  12. Ray: Dangerous and fun. Woohoo.

    G: I didn't either, but I'm amazed at the difference.

    Velva: Thank you. I love the tomatoes you have there. They are one of my favorite foods.

    Susan: He got his printer tonight. Here is his post. King of the Coupons

    Bard: Indeed is was. And we did. Woohoo.

    Stacy: I spend so much less on food now, it's wonderful.

  13. Is Wally World Walmart? I'd ask the Hubby but he's sleeping right now. As long as you save money, it's a good thing. Enjoy your shopping trip!!

  14. nice post dear!! (sorry I havent comment any, cause Im in the beahc by some days but today I have internet) xxx

  15. Anne: Yeppers, that's Walmart. 'round these them parts, we just call it Wally World. Or even, Wallys if we're feelin' lazy.

    Gloria: I hope you have a great time at the beach. Sounds fun and relaxing.

  16. Armed, dangerous, and ready to shop? This can only end in trouble!

  17. William: Ended with us buying that printer. Woohoo.
