30 December 2011

Darth Vader

Normally I'd keep my last post up for longer because the comments are funny and I enjoy reading them.  But since I'm on deadline, I best be moving along.

Only I don't have an idea for a post, so please enjoy this picture I found online and forgot about.

And that folks, concludes another broadcast day.

Click to Enlarge


  1. Someone went to a lot of trouble!
    How many more posts to go, Whisk?

  2. Alex: Just two little posts, left.

  3. Interesting, perhaps this is a sign from nature that Vader is a natural occurring force of will.

    Or maybe that grill is secretly an Imperial Spy Droid?

  4. Really cute. It almost makes me like snow, but not quite.

  5. matt: And it looks like the snow fell that way, naturally. If so, it's gotta be a sign for sure.

    Made more candy cane dusted chocolate tonight. It's resting in the freezer for tomorrow. Did you get to make yours, yet?

    Susan: You don't like snow?????

  6. Excellent!! Only 2 posts left and here in the UK you've got 19 hours left!!!!

  7. I pictures worth a thousand words!

  8. Ray: I'm so close. And it's been fun.

    Kim: You as well. Happy jogging.

    Bersercules: I don't know who took the photo. But yeah, it says a lot. Happy 2012.

    William: Happy Writing & Much Joy in 2012.
