26 October 2011

Today I Got Dressed


  1. That's a pretty full day!
    Love the slippers.

  2. Alex: Gosh I don't even know where I got them. I think they were a gift. Probably 10 to 15 years ago. Maybe even 20. Yikes.

    Sean: You know, I didn't want to jump right back into being healthy again. Had to pace myself.

    Susan: They are warm and so comfy. Not so good for jogging in though. Really slows me down.

  3. Very fitting for the season. Love them!

  4. Pierce: My feet like to play dress up.

    Lo-mo: Do you have Star Wars slippers? I can see you having those. So fun.

    Mo D: Such a fun season. Do you enjoy fall/Halloween? I just love it.

  5. I'd say they are perfect for jogging in - an automatic excuse for wogging instead of jogging ;)

    kind of a cross between walking and jogging

  6. LOL, those are some fancy slippers!

  7. Those look pretty awesome! Hope your feeling better Spooky Whisk! Boo!

  8. Those slippers are AWESOME! I think Mrs. Bard would love something like that -- you've given me a great idea for a future gift! :)

  9. pumpkin pumps... are stylish.
    i am only wearing a cowboy hat at the moment, boy and my horse is cold...

    Jeremy [iZombie]
    iZombie Lover

  10. HAH! I really did laugh out loud when I saw this picture. Too perfect.

  11. Oh, nice and fluffy and cozy. Me likey. ;o) And so festive!

  12. Kim: The 10K Wog.

    Daisey: They are great fun. So warm.

    Needles: I went to work today and I feel pretty good. Not great, but better than I have been. It was nice to get back to work. Love prep.

    How are you feeling? I hope you didn't get the flu.

    Lurker: That's me. Frightening and functional.

    Bard: For Christmas each year, Mom would always get me one special Halloween gift. Wrapped under the tree and everything. Loved that.

    iZombie: Hopefully more than a cowboy hat. Burr.

    bliss: Thank you. I fancy them.

    MG: Glad you had a laugh. My work here is done.

    Carol: I have to keep them safe from the pups. Otherwise, it's pumpkin pie for these babies. The slippers, not the dogs.

  13. hahaha oh theyre gorgeous :) Thanks for giving me a giggle to start my day!

  14. Niki: Glad you had a giggle. Giggles are good. I was thinking about you today and wondering how your spring is going. Hope well.

  15. Slippers are great. I was thinking about getting those Monty Python Killer Rabbit ones from ThinkGeek.com.

  16. They look amazing, but also just a bit dangerous - I'd probably kill myself if I put them on. Good to know you're getting stronger again.

  17. I love this season! We stop suffering (down here in Texas) from the heat and I get to cuddle w/the honey.

    Your slippers remind me of Garfield slippers I had when I was a teen. I've been trying to think what ever happened to them..

  18. Hanny: I'll check out ThinkGeek. Thanks.

    Porky: They are dangerous while playing with the puppies as well. They keep trying to eat my feet.

    Mo D: Glad it's cooler there. We had snow today, but not all that much.

    Garfield slippers. I can see that.

  19. William: Yes, I'm a real fashionesta. Even if I don't know how to spell, fashionesta.
