06 June 2011

Blanket Maker

Today I start my new job as Blanket Maker.  I was putting on my sneakers this morning and thought, what if I fail? Then I told myself that failure is not an option. 

And I thought ... what if I don't fail? What if I succeed? Other people succeed at things.  By gosh why not me?

So, today marks my return to sewing and selling blankets.  We did craft shows on the weekends for about five years. Might have been six. Not sure. Anyway, when it was good, it was real good.  But when the women with the money stopped coming to the shows, it got bad.

Can't sell to no one.  But we can sell online.  So ... here goes.  The second jobs I went for didn't pan out, and I'm tired of getting crappy hours at the fabric shop.  So until I find a good second job, I'll start a new adventure right here at home. 

Meanwhile, dig these puppy treats I made during staycation.  The first one is baked peanut butter oat balls and the second, Puppy Pizzelles made with oats, egg and water. 

These were super duper easy to make.
And these were just plain fun.  I broke them into bits for easy training.


  1. Good luck and I hope it works out and you that also get a better second job?, Miss Wiggy is one spoiled puppy, tickle her belly for me.

  2. Thanks Guys. I'm putting my sewing table together now. Well, not this second but right before this comment.

    Back to work ...

  3. Those darn women with money. How dare they not show up! Best of luck with your new venture. (That gray angel thingie over there is really ... um ... interesting.)

  4. I tell you what. Those women with the check books and cash in hand, they were great.

  5. Best of luck with the new venture, I wish you many women with money! x

  6. Good luck with the new business!

    The baked peanut butter oat balls sound pretty good -- more like a cookie than a doggie treat! I'm thinking Miss Wiggy is very, very spoiled indeed!

  7. Thanks! She really is. I'm going to post the doggie treat formulas once I get a few going. I have four now. Make them a free download for anyone interested. They are super duper easy to make.

  8. What no cute pooch photos!!!!

    All the best with your new job. I can tell from your photos you're very artistic!

  9. Best of luck, whisk! Hope this new venture is a huge success for you. But please...KEEP ON COOKIN'!

  10. Bartender: So nice to see you back in action. Rah. Thanks bunches for the good wishes.

    Melanie: Love your new blog look. Great makeover. Me stop cooking? Never.

  11. Wont working at the fabric shop give you first dibs on the close out / marked down / damaged fabric helping you to increase your profit margins?

  12. Good luck with the blankets!

  13. BigMike: Yeppers. That's the hope, anyway. Plus, it's a super fun place to work. Just not enough hours to keep it as my ONLY job.

    Professor Pope: Thank you. Thank you.

  14. Best of luck with the new online venture! May all your women have active paypal accounts!

  15. Daisey: Thanks. You cracked me up with that comments. Good stuff. Good stuff.

  16. Best of luck in your new endeavor. As someone else trying to pull out a living income with personal creativity, I hope you can make it.

  17. Doc: Thanks! Right now, my goal is just to sell off what we have invested. Stuff's been sitting there, doing nothing since we stopped doing shows.

    Good luck in your new adventure as well. I hope it brings you everything you want.

  18. Good luck with the biz. Just don't sell the wet kinds, I hear they are no fun at all.

  19. More and more folks are shopping online, I hope this turns out to be a winner for you Ivy.

  20. Throw in a side of pizzelles (not the puppy ones...although they do look tasty!) and I'll be your first sale! Just be sure to hide them from poopyhead.

    Thanks for your help!

  21. Miss Wiggy is more then spoiled!!

  22. ditto what William said. That dog has no idea how lucky she is!

    Good luck with the blankies :)

  23. austodavicus: That's a good point. My goal is to sell off the stock we have. We have so much left. Thanks.

    Biff: Thanks, thanks.

    Shorts: Sure thing. You got it. Gotta have you over for bagels, too.

    William: She sure is. Baking her chicken meatballs now. Five more minutes on the timer and those babies are done.

    mshatch: Thanks bunches. Great to have all this wonderful support. Miss Wiggy is lucky but I feel luckier. She's a good pup. So happy to have her.

  24. Good luck with those blankets! :)

  25. Peanut butter oat balls!? Out of the way, puppy, I want some, too!

    Best of luck with the new venture! Fingers and toes crossed!!!!!

  26. WritingNut: Thanks!

    Christian: I have plenty leftover and you're welcome to them.

  27. Good luck with the blankets! And my dog just asked me if she could go stay at your house for a while. :)

  28. Sure thing. We always have plenty to share.

  29. A lot of good will there! We want to see it work out, and that's got to be worth something in cosmic terms. I hope it's got off to the best of starts and just keeps growing.
