12 March 2011

Crappy Pizza Night

Is when I take an Aldi plain pizza (for under a buck), and split it in half. We each get our own half, topped with goodies. Along with a side of chicken strips and raw veg. Ranch dressing for Tim's veg and honey for my chicken.

Simple. Easy. Fun.

And while I've enjoyed our lazy snowed-in weekend, I'm ready to get back to work tomorrow. But for now we're headed to the couch to watch Doctor Who, while we enjoy what we call, crappy pizza night.

Mushrooms, pepperoni, organic garlic and cheese.  Life is yummy.


  1. Me and my girlfriend did something similar recently on our anniversary. Deeee-lish!

  2. Very cool. What did you guys put on top of your pizza? I always have a side of hot peppers with mine. Nom nom nom.

  3. Nothing like cheap, crappy pizza night! Tell Tim I'll trade his chocolate marshmallow ice cream for pumpkin cheesecake ice cream. (Bad week at the Day Job. I NEED chocolate!)

  4. That's a nice pizza, I put mushrooms, onions, chicken, beef and parmesean on mine.

  5. Sorry you had a bad week, Suzan. Hope the new week turns out better. I'll teleport you some chocolate now.

    Hey Lurker: We call it crappy pizza night because they are pretty bad, but good bad. Not like homemade or the local shop. You know, I don't think I've had beef or chicken on my pie before. Though I've had a side of wings.

    Well, I'm off to work an hour late. Lived in a snow bubble all weekend. Didn't even realize it was spring ahead. Until I woke up and thought, it's really bright for 7. Turned out it was 8.

    Hope you all have a good day. I'm off to get ready and out the door.

    Happy Eating :-)

  6. oh, i am dizzy... how good can it really be for the buck... the red flags are going off. we just had a two dollar za from walmart, it made me ill for three days [as i spit and say... poison fresh three day] raiders of the lost ark...

  7. Crappy pizza night sounds good to me!

  8. I don't know, your crappy pizzas don't look so bad! I forget what kind of crust I buy but after brushing some olive oil I dump chopped tomato/garlic/onion over it and top it with mozz and cheddar, maybe some mushrooms, oh, and fresh oregano. It's actually pretty easy. hope you enjoyed Dr. Who :)

  9. Gluten allergies on the missus's part make pizza a pretty daunting task for us. Usually I get it when I'm out on my own. There are GF pizza crusts out there, but it's usually not as good when it's not done in a proper pizza oven with the rest of pizza-grade ingredients.

    There was a place in Colorado Springs we'd go to when she'd visit me out there that had GF pizza (and another that had GF pasta!), but now that I'm back in Pennsylvania, alternate food options aren't really available.

  10. Beautiful !!!
    In Greece there is a pizza-restaurant by the see, in Halkidiki.
    This is open only for summer.
    The pizzα is huge, can be fed by 4 people, but more nice is that the dough make ahead, flying in the air, many times!
    Mmmmm, when summer will come?
    Many greetings

  11. Hope you didn't get into any trouble at work. Everything is good on pizza, and not necessarily even at different times. You made that buck base into something special. Two something specials in fact. Doctor Who too. Check out the classic doctors if you're not already - some of the earlier stuff is deep, and weirder.

  12. You do realize that all previous Doctor Whos end up getting chopped up and served on pizza to their successor?

  13. Hi Jeremy: Sorry you were sick for three days. What is an za from Walmart? The pizza we buy is from Aldi and it's crappy good. It's like a B movie. It's bad and good. Never got sick, thankfully.

    Hi Alex: It sure was. Even though I make homemade dough a lot, I still dig having crappy pizza night. One of life's simple joys.

    Thanks, mshatch: I didn't think the photo was fit to post but, I did anyway. I never had cheddar on a pizza before. But I love butter on my own homemade pizza crust. Nom nom nom. Have you ever made homemade dough? I love doing that. Very relaxing.

    Higgipedia: Sorry to hear about the allergies. That's gotta be tough, especially when eating out. Can your wife eat rice flour? Bob's Red Mill makes a white rice flour that is gluten free. Not sure how it works in a pizza but now I'm interested to give it a go.

    magda: Χαιρετισμούς. Αγαπώ την ιστορία σας σχετικά με την πίτσα στον αέρα. Τι toppings σας αρέσει στην πίτσα σας; Σας ευχόμαστε μια όμορφη μέρα.

    (Greetings. I love your story about the pizza in the air. What toppings do you like on your pizza? Wishing you a beautiful day.)

    Hi Porky: Didn't get into trouble. In all my life, I'd never done that before. Who was your favorite Doctor Who?

    Hey William: Is that what that funny taste was? How are you enjoying your break?

  14. That looks really good. At our house, we like to make pizza once a week. We take a ready-made wheat crust, and instead of tomato sauce, I like to slice up tomatoes very, very thin and layer them across the whole pizza, before brushing them with a little olive oil and pesto. Still gives a great tomatoey taste without the acidity.

    This is usually topped off with mushrooms, spinach, cheese, and a lot of love (cue cheesy soundclip of audience going 'awwwww').

  15. Hi Beer: Great comment. I love reading about what you guys like to eat. Something great about pizza night. Homemade or crappy, it's all good. Loved the sound clip. Good stuff.

  16. i really like hot peppers on my side too along with some green olives :)

  17. Hi Brad: I never eat a pizza without a side of hot peppers. Nom nom nom. What are your favorite hot peppers?

  18. I've never seen an Aldi pizza (or any pizza under a buck) look so good! It hardly looks crappy to me, and the whole meal sounds scrumptious!

  19. We enjoy crappy pizza night. Toss in a B horror movie and it's tons of fun.

  20. The only time I had a pizza in Italy was in a gas station :(

    still marvelous though :)

  21. I have never been there. I bet it was fantastic.

    We used to have an Italian family in town. They owned a great restaurant but because of their unfortunate location, they didn't survive and had to close.

    Do you have a good pizza place where you live?

  22. Crappy pizza night sounds fantastic! My daughter loves honey on her chicken, too. Well she loves honey on everything, including hot dogs. Eeew, I know. LOL

  23. "Crappy" pizza? :) I like mine with alfredo sauce from time to time.

  24. We just had pizza the other night. Was so dam good.

  25. I never had it that way, Donea Lee, but I do like a good alfredo sauce. What did you have on yours, LoneIslander? Something yummy, I hope.

  26. The seventh had a special charm, and plenty of depth. There was a story arc only partially realised that hinted at much more to the character. I'd recommend checking him out. Stories like Remembrance of the Daleks are required viewing anyway, but for something far more profound try The Curse of Fenric.

  27. Wow - 199! Good going. The note to newcomers is a top idea.

  28. bellissimo blog peccato non conoscere l'iglese

  29. Ciao Mauro: Mi dispiace. Sto cercando di ottenere una traduzione del blog, in modo da poter leggere in italiano.

    Grazie per le gentili parole sul mio cibo.


  30. Thanks, Porky: Been hovering at 199. So close.

    And I don't want to be rude but I just can't find the new people. It's a bummer.

  31. Hey again, Porky: What's great about Netflix is we have access to all kinds of shows we otherwise, would not. I'll have to check out Doctor Number Seven.
