07 February 2011

Little Vader

Playtime in the kitchen is about over.  All that's left to do is dust my mocha pizzelles with icing sugar, take a few pictures and then close the lab for the day.

Meanwhile, here's the FULL version of Little Vader in my favorite Super Bowl commercial.  Enjoy and until next time, eat well.


  1. Love, love, love this commercial!!

  2. Norma gave the heads up on this one to me a couple of days before the game... and I loved it.

  3. Yeah, it was weird that they released it early online. Then only played the short version Sunday. To me, the full version is the best.

  4. It totally sucked that they only played the short version on the air. They should have paid the extra money and run the whole thing. That commercial was, hands down, my favorite of the evening!!

  5. So cute. That's the first time I've seen that one!

  6. Aaaaahh!!! I missed that commercial! That was so effin' great!

  7. This was the best commercial of the night hands down. They previewed it on the Today show a few days before the game and had the young man on this morning. He's all of 6 and very cute according to my wife. =)

  8. Cute ad. All it needs is a baby monkey riding backward on a pig in the background.

  9. I saw this! Love it so much!

  10. This is one of the best ads I've seen in ages! :)

  11. My husband and I LOVED this one...then hubby confessed that he also tried to use the force to move things when he was little. It was really cute :)

  12. We are headed to bed and I heard Tim do the music to the commercial. I said, "are you doing the Star Wars music?"

    "Yeah," he shouted back. "I'm walking down the hall."

    Great ad. Wish they would have spent the money to show the full version. It is brilliant.

    Well, I gotta be up at 5AM for the shop tomorrow. Inventory day. Until next time, eat well. 'night.

  13. Baby monkey. Baby Monkey. Riding on a pig, baby monkey. My gosh Christian - that sound is in my head again. Thanks for that.

  14. It's like malaria. It's the gift that keeps on giving. :)

  15. Is it just me, or is Little Vader more effective in this commercial than he was during the "Nooo!" scene?

  16. Very good ad, made me laugh.Thanks for that and what can I spend my 3000 XP on.

  17. How cool we can all still come together for something big, unimportant as it might be. I miss the big media events of the past, when you could be sure everyone was tuned in. Now we have pretty much only the Super Bowl and The Happy Whisk..!

  18. Can we get enough of Darth? I think not. Okay. Maybe the puppies licking off the Pepsi. That would be a double dose of pure joy.

  19. Oh, thank you os much for showing this. I was chasing around a 12-month-old and missed like the first minute of this commercial. I was so mad everyone else started laughing and I had no idea what was funny. THANKS. Love it!

  20. The full version is brilliant. Just watched it again.

    Home from the shop, so so sleepy. Going to give Tim a call at work and see if we're hitting the bookshop tonight. If not, I'm thinking about making a simple roasted chicken, followed by a nappy nap.

    Ah ... the good life.

  21. Thanks for the full version of this, I hadn't seen it and I heard it was good.


  22. HAHAHA I love this ad! I've not seen it before. So cute :)

  23. Glad you got a good laugh. That's the good stuff.

  24. That commercial is everywhere! I saw a pic of the kid behind the Vader, too. He's a DOLL.

    Mocha pizzelles? Have you shared a recipe for that? And if not, will you? :)

  25. Little Vader got to meet Original Vader (James Earl Jones). They were on the morning news today.

  26. I LOVed this commercial! So cute! :)

  27. That has got to be my favorite ad this time around. I'm not sure when the franchise turned from Luke's story to Darth Vader's story, but Darth definitely won out, as can be evidenced by this ad and my son's Anakin Skywalker bedspread.

    - Ark

  28. Don't know if I'll post the formula or not. It's in second draft now. Meanwhile there's a yummy caramel popcorn formula on this blog. Enjoy enjoy.

    Very cool that Little Vader got to meet the Original. After you said that I googled it, thanks.

    Mine too, Ark. Funny about the switch. Glad you liked it Writing Nut.

    And that's about all on this end, guys. Chores need done so I best get cracking.

    Eat well - Whisk.

  29. Hmm ... I wonder if you like this commercial because you both have capes. It was a great ad. I also liked Papa Bear taking junior bear "out to McDonalds" because of the good report card.

  30. Thanks for the "instant replay". That was my favorite commercial of the whole game.

  31. That was one of the funniest commercials.

  32. Great commercial and I love that you call your kitchen a "lab".

  33. Oh I love that commercial! My son used to have one of those masks when he was younger, it even said things in Darth Vader's voice.

  34. LOVE that commercial and picturing myself eatign those pizelles!

  35. I loved this commercial! This one was the best as well as the cell phone one with the carpoolers. Makes me laugh every time.

  36. I've watched this so many times and I still crack up. I will look for the cell phone with carpoolers. Haven't seen it yet.

  37. Right after the Motor City-pride Chrysler commercial with Eminem this was my favorite ad of the game.

    Noticed it was number one on Youtube earlier today too.

  38. This was one of my favorties too!
